This series is designed to introduce the readers to a wide variety of FESS terminologies in terms of target disease and treatment approaches.
Editorial on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Now is the time to standardize the terminology of full-endoscopic spine surgery
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Degree of satisfaction following full-endoscopic cervical foraminotomy
Endoscopic surgical treatment for symptomatic spinal metastases in long-term cancer survivors
Full endoscopic cervical spine surgery
Early experience of single level full endoscopic posterior cervical foraminotomy and comparison with microscope-assisted open surgery
Transforaminal endoscopic thoracic discectomy with foraminoplasty for the treatment of thoracic disc herniation
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Comparative study between full-endoscopic laminectomy and microendoscopic laminectomy for the treatment of lumbar spinal canal stenosis
Review Article on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Micro-anatomical structures of the lumbar intervertebral foramen for full-endoscopic spine surgery: review of the literatures
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Full-endoscopic debridement and drainage treating spine infection and psoas muscle abscess
Review Article on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Evolution of endoscopic transforaminal lumbar approach for degenerative lumbar disease
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Unilateral biportal endoscopic decompression for degenerative lumbar canal stenosis
Full endoscopic unilateral laminotomy for bilateral decompression of the cervical spine: surgical technique and early experience
Review of Techniques on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Biportal endoscopic spine surgery (BESS): considering merits and pitfalls
Case Report on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Full-endoscopic spine surgery for radiculopathy after osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures: a case report
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
A less invasive treatment by a full-endoscopic spine surgery for adjacent segment disease after lumbar interbody fusion
Full endoscopic interlaminar discectomy (FEID) for recurrent lumbar disc herniation: surgical technique, clinical outcome, and prognostic factors
Review Article on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Use of an endoscope for spinal intradural pathology
The evolution of interlaminar endoscopic spine surgery
Original Study on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Navigation-assisted full-endoscopic spine surgery: a technical note
Editorial on Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery
Future directions—development of a new technology
The series “Full-endoscopic Spine Surgery” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Journal of Spine Surgery without any sponsorship or funding. Hisashi Koga served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.